美国.S. 教育部颁布了执行1989年《正规赌博十大网站》各项规定的条例. 这些规定要求大学每年向您分发以下有关所有权的信息, 使用, 或在大学内分发酒精和非法药物. 大学关于药物滥用和酒精饮料的政策概述如下, along with related information on University sanctions for violation of these policies; on criminal sanctions for the illegal possession or distribution of drugs and alcohol; on health risks of drugs and alcohol; and on places to get help concerning the illicit 使用 and ab使用 of alcohol and drugs. Please read this material carefully. 这里有很多信息,其中一些是技术性的,所有这些都是至关重要的. 大学将每年审查其酒精和其他药物方案的有效性和一致性, where necessary, make appropriate changes.

Standards of conduct

康考迪亚大学对药物滥用采取强硬立场,并将大力执行有关酒精和毒品的规定. 大学也支持并将与联邦政府当局合作, 协助州当局和安娜堡市执行有关酒精和毒品的公共法律法规.  Marijuana may be permissible under Michigan state law; however, 安娜堡康考迪亚大学不允许在校园内使用大麻. As a higher education institution, property owner, and recipient of federal funds, Concordia University has not only the authority, 但是禁止在校园和大学活动中使用大麻的法律义务.  酒精和其他药物政策旨在补充而不是限制适用于某些大学员工的大学无毒品工作场所政策的规定.

Alcohol and drug policy


以下是与酒精和其他药物使用和滥用有关的主要健康风险和常见症状的摘要. This is not a complete listing but an overview. 每个人对酒精和其他药物的耐受性都略有不同, 体型, family history, 性别, and other physical and psychological factors. 滥用酒精和其他药物会导致化学依赖,在怀孕期间可能是有害的.

Alcohol Health Risks

Alcohol in moderate amounts ca使用s dizziness, dulling of the senses, impairment of coordination, 反应, memory and judgment. Increased amounts of alcohol produce staggering, slurred speech, double vision, mood changes and, 可能, unconsciousness. Larger amounts result in death. Alcohol ca使用s damage to the liver, heart and pancreas. It also may lead to malnutrition, stomach irritation, 对疾病的抵抗力降低,大脑或神经系统受到不可逆转的损害.

症状: Glazed eyes, 明显的气味, pale and dry skin, broken blood vessels in facial area, slowed motor coordination and enlarged stomach.

Marijuana Health Risks

吸食大麻会导致心率大幅增加. 它损害或减少了短期记忆和理解,动机和认知也发生了改变. 长期使用会导致偏执和精神病. 吸食大麻会损害肺部和肺系统. 大麻比烟草含有更多的致癌物质. It also lowers male sex hormones, suppresses ovulation, 引起月经周期的变化,并可能导致出生缺陷.

症状吸食大麻的人可能会不恰当地笑,眼睛充血, dry mouth and throat, and a tell-tale odor of the drug, a poor sense of timing and increased appetite.

Cocaine and Crack Health Risks

可卡因及其衍生物快克会导致瞳孔放大和血压升高, 心率, respiratory rate and body temperature. 它们还可能导致失眠、食欲不振、触觉幻觉、偏执、癫痫发作和死亡.

症状使用可卡因的人可能会感到肌肉抽搐, panic reactions, 焦虑, numbness in hands and feet, loss of weight, a period of hyperactivity followed by a depression, a running or bleeding nose and sustained depression.

Barbiturates Health Risks

小剂量的巴比妥类药物能使人镇静,放松肌肉,降低焦虑. 大剂量会导致言语不清、步履蹒跚和感知改变. 与其他中枢神经系统抑制剂(如.g.(如酒精)导致呼吸抑制、昏迷,有时甚至死亡.

症状使用巴比妥类药物的人可能肌肉控制能力差, appear drowsy or drunk, become conf使用d, 易怒, inattentive or have slowed reactions.

Amphetamines Health Risks

服用安非他明会导致心跳和呼吸速率加快, elevated blood pressure, and dilated pupils. 大剂量会导致心跳加速或不规则、震颤和身体崩溃. 注射安非他明会使血压突然升高,从而导致中风, high fever and heart failure.

症状服用安非他明的人可能会开始体重下降, have periods of excessive sweating, and appear restless, 焦虑, moody and unable to focus. 长期使用可能导致精神病,包括幻觉、妄想和偏执.

致幻剂(包括卡式肺囊虫肺炎, LSD, Mescaline, Peyote, Psilocybin)健康风险

卡式肺囊虫肺炎, or angel dust, 干扰大脑中控制智力和冲动行为的部分. 卡式肺囊虫肺炎 blocks pain receptors. 包括自残在内的暴力正规赌博十大网站并不罕见. Chronic 使用rs report memory loss and speech difficulty. Very large doses produce convulsions, 昏迷, heart and lung failure, or ruptured blood vessels in the brain. LSD, mescaline, peyote, etc. ca使用 dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, increased 心率 and blood pressure, 和震动.

症状使用卡式肺囊虫肺炎的人可能会表现出喜怒无常、好斗或暴力. 这样的人可能会变得偏执,出现幻觉,时间和身体动作变慢. LSD使用者可能会经历食欲不振、失眠、困惑、焦虑和恐慌. Flashbacks may also occur.


Beca使用 these narcotics are generally injected, 使用受污染的针头可能导致艾滋病和肝炎. 过量服用的症状包括呼吸急促、皮肤湿冷和抽搐. An overdose may result in a 昏迷 or even death.

症状使用麻醉品的一些症状是欣快感、嗜睡、瞳孔缩小和恶心. Other symptoms include itchy skin, needle or "track" marks on the arms and legs, 点头, loss of sex drive and appetite. 停药时,会出现出汗、痉挛和恶心.

Available resources

Concordia University Ann Arbor Resources

校园 Services:

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Phone: 734-995-7441

Community Services:

Trinity Health IHA Urgent Care - Domino's Farms
4200 Whitehall Dr #150, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

希望诊所 (no health insurance required)
518 Harriet St, Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Dawn Farm (AODA)
6633 Stony Creek Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 485-8725 | (734) 669-8265

Concordia University Wisconsin Resources

校园 Services:

CUW Student Health Center 
Location: Albrecht 113
Phone: 262-243-4574

CUW Counseling Center
Location: Albrecht 111
Phone: 262-243-4211

Community Services:

哥伦比亚圣. Mary’s Hospital Ozaukee
13111 N. Port Washington Road  
Mequon, WI 53097  
(262) 243-7300 

Aurora Medical Center
975 Port Washington Road
Grafton, WI 53024
(262) 329-1000

Mequon Clinical Assoc (AODA)
1045 W Glen Oaks Lane Suite 1
Mequon, WI 53092
(262) 241-8100